The Big Kahuna Cafe

Our Safety Standards during Covid-19

We deliver on safety not just food

Big Kahuna Cafe concern is the safety of our customers. Below are the safety measure we take to insure that you are safe from Covid-19. 

Our Staff practice safe distancing and we enforce wearing mask at all times.

We only take reservations and limit our dine in guest. All staff are required to wear mask and we make full effort to make sure there to limit our interaction with our clients as little possible. 

We eliminate Cash payments by using our online payments on our website, Facebook and page and our personalized app (coming soon).

Through our website our customers can pay in advance and pick up their order without having to pay cash in person. 

Our Strict Safety Guidelines are made are placed onto your online ordering system

We follow a strict code on customer safety. In fact, our safety procedures are shown onto our online ordering system. That way, as a customer you know the steps that Big Kahuna Cafe is taking to make sure that you are safe from the Covid-19. 

Our Covid-19 Safety Measure Reciept

Every receipt given to our customers is identified by a staff member and delivery person and indicates to our clients that when we took their temperature. 

We give Guest options for Delivery & Minimum Exposure Pickup Options

Below are pictures on how guest can customize their food order so that we can minimized meeting in person as little as possible. 

Our Delivery options

Our Pickup options

Customized delivery options